Konosuba Yorimichi Vol.3 - Chapter 3: A serious battle between former demon king army generals!



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Konosuba Yorimichi Anthology Volume 3 by Natsume Akatsuki
Illustrations by Kurone Mishima
Published by Kadokawa Shoten on September 29th, 2023.

Original crappy translation by H. Berry (contact: aitch99berry@gmail.com)

Upcoming chapters will be posted on Patreon and Ko-Fi first!

Part 1


Wiz and Vanir faced each other on a hill near the city.

“Not since I was human have we fought seriously, Vanir.” With an unusually serious expression, Wiz took off her apron and prepared herself.

Vanir showed a small smile, “Hmm, nostalgic, isn’t it? Back then you were the best adventurer, courageous and proud. Why did I taught you the forbidden spell to turn yourself into a lich? Well, you could say I liked you.”

“…That’s very sly of you, to say that so suddenly! But even if you flatter me, I will never forgive you! …I wouldn’t mind a little more flattery though.

Vanir twisted his mouth in disgust as Wiz looked upset, “I was talking about your past self no good shop owner! Return to the old Wiz I liked! I do not want a lich, queen of the debt, like you!”

“I’m right here, the Wiz you like is still here! I’m sorry for using the money, but it was a necessary expense!” Wiz pleaded with a tearful expression.

Vanir put his hand on his mask, “Now that I think about it, I’ve never shown you what’s underneath my mask. Seeing how we’re going to fight seriously; I’ll show you everything and fight you with all my might.”

“R-really? Wait, the receptionist at the adventurer’s guild told me that you’re extremely handsome under that mask. You plan to show me your true face and make me hesitate, aren’t you? It won’t work, no matter how many times you try—!”

Vanir threw away his mask, not letting the flustered Wiz finish, and at that very moment.

“Cursed Crystal Prison!”

Vanir’s body was completely frozen, a large wall of ice surrounding it. Right in front of where Wiz was standing, the words ‘Dumb lich’ was written on the ice wall.

“Fuahahahahahahaha! For some reason, I’m very popular with women! I do not mind showing them my face, but my devilish nature prevents me from showing them if they ask for it. If you’re that interested, I’ll show you for 50.000 Eris!” A newly formed Vanir appeared from the ground behind Wiz.

“Fufufufufu, Vanir, are you really worth that little? That gives me an idea for a product, I’ve been thinking about it for a while. It’ll be niche, but I’m sure it’ll sell.” The provoked Wiz laughed while keeping a cold gaze.

“It’s a shame you’re so proud! Too bad it won’t sell at all!” Vanir clearly doesn’t have a shred of faith in Wiz’s business sense, he laughed once again.

Wiz didn’t mind Vanir’s comments as she approached his former frozen body, “This is the product I’ve been thinking about. Making replicas of your body in ice, and selling it to succubae—”

“Don’t you dare do that, devilish shop owner! Sometimes you may be even more vicious than me!”

“Hey, who do you think will win? It’d be a waste to just watch, why don’t we make a bet?” I asked Aqua, we were watching from a distance.

“I’d bet on Wiz. I can never beat you in a bet, but I don’t think I’ll lose this time. At least I prefer that dumb undead rather than that masked devil!” Aqua said confidently.

“On other circumstances, I’d bet on Vanir. But I’m with you now. Normally I think the two would be evenly matched.”

But Wiz is not her usual self now…


Part 2


A few days prior.

Aqua and I were lazing in the mansion. Megumin, in charge of cleaning duty, kicked us out claiming we were nuisances, and Darkness had gone out early in the morning on official business. As we had plenty of time to waste, we went to the magic tool shop.

“What are you two doing here? That crimson joke mage friend of yours still hasn’t paid her debt for the ruined demon ring. This is not a playground, if you aren’t here for business, leave!” Vanir greeted us with disgust as he was polishing magic tools with a cloth.

The other day Megumin wore a demon ring of Vanir’s, a rare magic tool that grants its user dangerous powers, since its destruction he’s been wary of us.

While he is unwelcoming, the beautiful shop owner serves us sweets. When not in our mansion this place has become our favorite place to relax.

“It’s fine Vanir, we aren’t getting many customers. Besides, you two arrived at the perfect time, there’s a new product I’d like you to see.” Wiz said cheerfully while brewing a cup of tea.

“What did you say? A new product?”

“Yes, it’s something I’m confident about! Hehe, I’m sure it’ll sell. I’ve been secretly developing to surprise you!” Wiz replied with a smug smile.

He timidly opened his mouth, “…before you unveil it, there’s something I need to know. I’ve already threatened all moneylenders in town against giving you any more loans. Be honest with me, how did you raise funds?”

“You worry too much Vanir; I don’t owe anyone money. I was looking around the shop for something to pawn when I discovered a hidden room with a treasure chest—!”

Vanir sprinted towards the back of the store, we heard something heavy moving before he returned, now looking quite different.

“Even though you have a poor eye for business, why are you so good about things like this? Why did you go to the trouble of finding the secret room with my savings!?”

“W-What are you talking about!? Savings!? I had no idea, I-I just used my detection magic to see if there was anything good to pawn and found a hidden treasure chest...”

Wiz has conquered many dungeons; it can’t be helped that she thinks like an adventurer and is good at finding secrets.

“Why did you think there was a treasure chest hidden in the shop? Had you used your undead brain if only for an instant you’d realized that it was something I hid!”

“I-I thought a part of the store had become a dungeon because I’m a lich and have lived here for many years…”

“If our mere presence turned buildings into dungeons then we wouldn’t be working so hard to earn money to build one! You just wasted all the money I saved with my side gigs… what will I do now with this embezzling shop owner.”

Wiz started to retreat, getting ready to run away as Vanir’s eyes started to glow.

“W-Wait Vanir, it was an accident that happened because you didn’t tell me! This shop is a joint venture, there shouldn’t be any secrets among us!”

“For us devils a contract is absolute, I believe you know that. But even if there will be punishment, I’ll terminate my contract with you—what are you doing!? Get your hands off me, you useless shop owner!”

Wiz was clinging to Vanir, determined not to let him escape, “Are you planning on abandoning me? After toying with my heart on a daily basis, you’re just throwing me away!? After you promised you’d help me run the shop!?”

“Don’t misinterpret! Don’t refer to me feeding off your bad emotions as toying with your heart!” Vanir rejected Wiz; she was close to tears.

The rare sight of a duke of hell breaking a contract, even Aqua was intrigued by it, even though her focus was on the slice of cake in front of her, “Kazuma, Kazuma, this is fun! It’s like a soap opera, I wonder if Wiz will be able to turn this around.”

“They seem like a failed marriage, like a loser gambler desperately trying to stop his wife from leaving. If Vanir leaves, I’m sure the store will go bankrupt, there’s no way Wiz will give him up. From here on a long story will begin, Vanir will set out on a journey to escape, and Wiz will pursue him.”

“Don’t just sit there and watch, woman who is only interested in sweets and young man who is imagining the shop owner in a revealing outfit, stop her!” Vanir was trying to push Wiz away with both hands.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something, “Vanir please, at least look at the new product! I’m sure you won’t want to cancel our contract anymore! I’m confident it’ll sell.”

“I’ve heard that so many times those words have lost all meaning… very well, but if it’s another rubbish product, then I’ll use you to earn money.”

Vanir made a devilish request to counter Wiz’s proposal. He really doesn’t have faith in her at all.

“Using her? Please tell me more about that.”

“They really sound like a failed marriage.”

However, despite such request, Wiz’s expression lit up when she realized she had a chance of keeping him, “Fine, if you don’t like it then I’ll do whatever you want! Now, take a look Vanir, here’s the new product!”

Wiz took out a doll that could reach the height of her knees. It looks like a girl dressed in a cute maid costume; I think it could be popular with children.

“…hmmm, it’s not a bad design. But it’s not just a simple doll, is it?”

Wiz smiled, “It’s an autonomous doll, just like your clay dolls. Now look at this!”

She placed the doll on the floor and pressed a button on the back of its head, the doll started cleaning with a broom.

Although it doesn’t seem as efficient as golems, I think it may be a revolutionary tool. Wiz seemingly didn’t use magic to activate it.

“It does not look bad at all, tell me, what are the major disadvantages? Does it cost 10 million Eris to manufacture, will it only work for a few minutes, or will it self-destruct after it completes its orders?”

He really does not have faith in her at all.

“N-none of that! Well, it’s not cheap to make, but if we sell it for 50.000 Eris, it’ll be profitable. And it lasts more than 12 hours! Furthermore, it absorbs the magical energy surrounding it, if it’s taken care of properly, it may last for decades!”

“…hmm? Well, I’d say it’s a great product, but why should I believe you?”

Wiz’s smile grew, “It’s all true! And that’s not all, it has more features!”

“Oh? Let’s hear them.”

Wiz’s smile was now that of smugness, “It can protect its owner too! If it detects a stranger, it’ll self-destruct—”


“Ah, of course—” Vanir grabbed the doll, took a leap outside, and kicked it high up in the sky.

An explosion that could rival Megumin’s roared in the sky, the entire neighborhood came outside to see what was happening.

“It’s maybe a bit too strong, but it’ll deter any thieves for sure!”

“Is that all you have to say? …you should’ve done some tests before bringing it to the shop, you careless shop owner. However, it’s not a bad product if we can decrease its power and have it recognize family and friends, then it could sell…”

While Vanir was deep in thought, Wiz started talking sheepishly, “The explosion’s power can’t be reduced, and it can only recognize one person. It’s a maid doll, she only serves one master.”

“…Ah, I see. Then remove the self-destruct function. It can sell well as a cleaning doll.”

Wiz’s smile was disappearing faster and faster, “It can’t be removed, all its functions are linked. If anything is missing, it won’t work. B-But we can sell it to single, lonely people!”

“You junk shop owner! Who in their right mind would buy something so dangerous it could destroy half the town anytime someone came to visit! Why did you add a self-destruct function in the first place!?” Vanir shook Wiz, his eyes glowing more brightly,

“I-I used your dolls as reference… I though the self-destruct function was essential—”

“My dolls are made to clear out dungeons, they fight monsters, self-destruct is their means of attack! Well, we cannot sell your garbage product. As promised, I’ll use you to earn money!”

“I-I understand, I’ll let you use me. I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”

What should I do now? When will her new work start? Can I make a reservation already?

Wiz’s unfashionable robe does her figure no favors, but having seen her in a bikini before I know she has an amazing body.

“That’s great! Well then, I’ll have you work at a store run by my subordinates. Don’t worry, while you may be oblivious to it, there’s plenty of demand for you. One week should be enough.”

Vanir was in a good mood, however, Wiz turned pale, paler than normal that is, “…a store run by your subordinates? You can’t possibly mean the succubus shop…”

Vanir tilted his head while looking at the confused Wiz, “… isn’t it obvious? How else are you going to earn money? It’s not like you have a business acumen, all that’s left from that useless body of yours would be selling the flesh off it—”

“S-stop! Vanir, just what do you want me to do!? When you said earning money using me, I thought you meant going on quests, making use of me as an adventurer!”

I see, Wiz was a great adventurer when she was human. Though, could she really earn more by completing high difficulty quests rather than working on the succubus shop?

“Kazuma, Kazuma, why do you look so disappointed?”

“What do you mean? No, I’m not.”

“A lich doesn’t have an adventurer’s card; how do you intend to accept quests?” Vanir tilted his head even further.

“T-that’s not a problem, you may not know about this, but there are ways to get money without going through the adventurer’s guild.”

The adventurer’s guild will verify that you completed a quest and reward you for it. For certain monsters they’ll also buy their remains, but you can also sell that outside the guild.

Wiz owns a shop, rather than the adventurer’s guild, she’s a member of the merchant’s guild. She must have connections to sell the monsters’ remains.


The next morning.

“Alright then Vanir, I’ll leave the store in your care.”, At the entrance of the magic tool shop stood Wiz with large backpack.

I thought she was going to hunt for monsters near Axel but seems she’s ready for a longer trip. There are only low-level monsters around town, guess most can’t be sold for a lot.

“Hmm. If I’m by myself I’ll turn this store into a large company in about five years, you need not come back until then.”

“No, it’s my shop! I’ll be here weather it goes bankrupt or hits it big!” While pleading to Vanir, Wiz turned to look at Aqua and me, “I hope you are both well. I’m sorry, but I won’t be around for a while, I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

“We can’t have sweets and tea without you Wiz, please come back before we starve.”

“Stop using this shop as a café.”

With a small chuckle, Wiz turned to Vanir again, “Well then, I’ll be taking off. Please take care of the daikon radish I’m growing in the back of the shop, make sure to water it every morning.”

“Ah, yes, your food. I’ll look after it, and if it matures while you’re gone, I won’t let it escape.”

Wiz nodded and took a step forward.

Then she took a step back and turned to face Vanir again, “…don’t give it too much water. Also make sure it doesn’t get too much sunlight either, ok?”

“Yes, yes, the woman next door knows about plants, if there are any problems I’ll ask her. Don’t worry and just go.”

Wiz nodded and took a step forward.

Then she took a step back and turned to face Vanir again, “…what will you eat while I’m gone? Do you have anyone else to feed off?”

“Just go, you useless shop owner! And don’t come back until you raise the funds you spent!”

“At least try to pretend you’re going to miss me! I’ll do it, I’ll raise the funds right away!”

And with that, Wiz left town, looking back after every step.


Part 3


That night, after dinner.

We were discussing the events of the day in the mansion’s living room.

“—and that’s why Wiz left for a while. Vanir is running the store now, be careful to not get on his bad side. It’s best if you avoid going there all together.”

“Who do we think we are? We won’t make fun if that devil without Aqua or Wiz around. We’ll mess with him after she returns.”

“You’re already cursed Megumin, don’t mess with him even if both Aqua and Wiz are with you.”

Megumin trembled at Darkness's words.

Vanir cursed her for breaking his demon ring, days of not being able to cast explosion is causing some sort of trauma on her.

“W-well, it’s not like I have time to waste, or money for that matter, haha… hey Kazuma, Kazuma!”

“I gave you your allowance already, I won’t give you more money.”

Megumin left for her room in defeat. Then, Aqua got behind me and started giving me a shoulder massage I didn’t ask for.

“Kazuma, recently you’ve become ever so slightly toned. Maybe because you’re getting older, of maybe you’re leveling up. You also started to very faintly become handsome, if this keeps up you may get minuscule popularity with women.”

“Are you supposed to be flattering me? I won’t give you any more money either.”


The next day.

“Welcome, welcome! Today’s item is a must have, an antidote that no adventurer party should lack! It’s for a very low price because it’s nearing its expiration date!”

“Hmm, it’s certainly cheap, and antidotes are always handy, but if it’s expiring soon, then there’s no point in buying it, is it?”, “That’s right. Besides, venomous monsters are rare around here…”

I went to check out the magic tool shop and found Vanir with a table in front of the store shouting in a powerful voice to the wandering adventurers.

“Yes, yes, of course I understand. However, this is a special clearance sale, all goods will also come with a bonus!”

“I don’t want it, doesn’t matter if it comes with a freebie—”

Vanir then pasted a photo on the antidote bottle, “For every five antidotes, you’ll receive a very nice photograph[1] of the clumsy magic tool shop owner.”

“Give me five.”, “Five please!”, “You can’t be lacking antidotes when on a quest, I’ll take ten just in case!”

I rushed to Vanir while he was being swarmed by the nearby male adventurers, “I’ll take five too. Ah, Wiz looks so cute here; I’ll keep my mouth shut just this time!”

“It’s unwise to threaten a devil, young man who would turn pale if his cursed joke mage finds out about this photograph. However, if you’re willing to purchase it, I’ll overlook it for now.”

I didn’t just want the photo; antidotes are essential to adventurers.

“If you have other good products, I’ll be sure to come again.”

“Make sure to came back every day, lustful young man. For the entire week, this special clearance sale will continue, with new bonuses every day!”

“I’ll be back!” yelled a chorus of male adventurers.


“Here’s today’s product! Its ordinary canned food, essential to all adventurers, because it’s soon to expire it’s another clearance sale! Of course, as a bonus to those who purchase five cans, a photograph of a rain-soaked shop owner is included.”

“Five cans please!”, “I’m always hungry when questing, I’ll take five!”

As they said, canned food is essential when on adventures.

“Give me five cans too. This is a nice photo of Wiz, but don’t you have something with a little more oomph?”

“Hmm? You want something stronger? In that case, there’s another bonus for those who purchase ten or more cans…”

“Ten please”, asked several male adventurers at once.

Vanir was a little unnerved as he handed over the photos to us who answered immediately.

I flipped through the photos with anticipation…

“Fuahahahahahahaha! Were you expecting a photograph of the clumsy shop owner that was more revealing? Unfortunately, it’s just stronger photograph of the shopkeeper, one of her wearing powerful armor—!” Vanir laugh as he handed the final few photographs, but then suddenly fell silent, “…I don’t feel any negative emotions, don’t tell me you like it?”


The clearance sale continued for a few more days.

“Here are today’s products! Some rocks, customers that purchase at least five will get an envelope containing a random selection of photographs! You could get photographs of the nearby restaurant owner, or perhaps that of the owner of the water shop, or even the cleaning shop owner! A few envelopers also contain a rare photograph, that of the clumsy magic tool shop owner!”

“You can’t be a true adventurer without owning a few rocks, I’ll take five please.”, “One can never have too many rocks, give me fifteen please!”, “You can use rocks to distract or attack monsters, they’re very useful! Hey, Kazuma, you use a bow, you don’t need any!”

“I’m a very cautious person that does everything possible to avoid risks. Naturally, I carry fifty arrows with me, but just in case I run out, I’ll take fifty rocks.”


Until the final day.

“Welcome! Here is today’s product! It may look like an ordinary clock, but it’s a special alarm clock that wakes you with the sexy voice of the shop owner! I carefully recorded and edited her voice. It’s an auction!”

“10.000 Eris!”, “20.000 Eris!”, “35.000 Eris!”

The alarm clock was rapidly rising in value. Vanir was laughing in a good mood as the auction heated up, “Fuahahahahahaha! Thank you, thank you for participating! …tell me young man, are you not going to join in? This is a very rare item that will only be available today!” Vanir called out to me; I was just watching.

Without Wiz around Vanir finally seized the opportunity to turn this shop into a profitable business, he’s been selling nonstop for days.

“Vanir, I already figured out your plan. You’re not going to be selling the good stuff now, you’re saving them for the end, I’ll save my money for that.”

“You have a good eye, young man who has spent a small fortune the past few days. After all this time you at no point attempted to stop me.”

“Hey, if you were doing some kind of dangerous business I would’ve stopped you days ago, but this is not dangerous at all! Besides, look at the faces of everyone here, they all have sparks on their eyes. Your business is making plenty of people happy, why would I interfere with that?”

“…I see, I wasn’t expecting you to say such ridiculous words with a straight face. But if you don’t interfere, that’s perfectly fine.” Vanir then looked around, as if he just noticed something, “By the way, ever since Wiz left on her journey, I haven’t seen the woman of misfortune that usually accompanies you. I was sure she’d interfere…”

“I took care of her. I knew she’d bother us, so I gave her money to go drinking. As an adventurer I have to protect everyone’s happiness.”

“…I’ll give you a sexy poster of the shop owner as a reward for your work.”

I helped, not because of my interests, but because of everyone else’s, it was selfless work. Nonetheless, I accepted the poster as a personal gift, not as any kind of payment.

While I was busy hiding it in my back pocket…

“L-L-L-L-Lord Vanir!” A very familiar looking girl was rushing in our direction while calling out to Vanir.

Everyone around, including me, recognize her and quietly moved out of her way.

“What’s the problem? As you can see, I’m busy. If it’s not a big deal, leave.”

“It is a big deal, Lord Vanir! You see, the problem is…”

The short pink haired girl that works at a shop I often visit arrived looking very concerned.

“Everyone here knows your true identity, no need to worry.”, “Miss, if it’s that serious, we all are willing to help!”, “If there’s anything wrong at the shop, I’ll lend you my full strength!”

That’s right, she’s a succubus. She was hesitant to explain, seems she realized that everyone here are regulars.

“L-Lord Vanir… the dungeon run by our allies has been attacked and is on the verge of falling!”

After she explained with tears on her eyes, Vanir snorted in frustration, “Of what allies are you talking about? Running a dungeon means luring adventurers with the promise of treasure and glory to take their lives as sustenance. Sure, there are a lot of rough-and-tumble adventurers who don't even take a bath, but that is how it is. A dungeon master should never ask for help, they should stay until the spectacular end.”

Was the comment about not bathing necessary?

…did he mean anybody here?

The girl seemingly understood that Vanir wouldn’t help, she didn’t give in any further and looked down while trying to hide her tears.

“If you can’t get Vanir to help, why not ask someone else? That dungeon is run by a succubus, right? We’ll gladly help!”

The girl suddenly looked up and faced Vanir. His mouth curled into a grin, as if to tell her to go ahead. Even if he doesn’t intend to lend a hand, its fine to lure adventurers with her charms and use us to save the dungeon.

Her face lit up and she hurriedly replied, “Y-yes, the dungeon is run by one of our seniors, you may know her, she used to work at the shop!”

The atmosphere turned serious, as if a demon king general suddenly attacked town. I guess its natural after all, everybody here is weak to women’s tears.

“However, we’d have to fight other adventurers, this could get serious…”, “That’s right, a dungeon raid is something that is handsomely rewarded by the guild, just interfering can cause hefty fines. In that case, let’s just help the dungeon master escape…”, “Where is the dungeon anyway? Will we arrive on time? She said it was on the verge of falling.”

A few adventurers were having doubts, though it’s obvious that most have decided to go.

“The dungeon is near the Royal Capital! If we use teleport we’ll be there in no time, the entrance is right by the teleportation spot—” she took a big breath, “—your help is needed in the Labyrinth of Desire, a very famous dungeon that every male adventurer knows!”


Part 4


A crowd of adventurers rushed through the Royal Capital into a dungeon.

“Hurry, we can’t let this dungeon fall, its filled with every man’s dream!”, “Damn, it’s my dream to come here with a female adventurer someday!”, “That’s every man’s dream! Aaaargh! I wanted to challenge this place with a cute girl, not a bunch of rugged male adventurers!”, “Whoever is challenging the dungeon is definitely a woman! No male adventurer would want this place to fall!”

Everyone was shouting, apparently this place is quite famous.


“Vanir, why did you come? I thought you didn’t care about the succubae…”

“Hmm? I’m concerned that without my presence you wouldn’t be able to stop the dungeon’s challenger.”

“Does that mean the challenger is a very strong, high-level adventurer? I guess you could help but—” I turned my attention to the adventurer running ahead of me, “—Hey, is this a well-known dungeon?”

“You don’t know Kazuma? I can’t believe you, and you’re in a party with only girls. You heard what the succubus said earlier, right? Every male adventurer knows about this place, this dungeon is full of lewd traps.”

I heard her, but what does ‘lewd trap’ mean? Monsters that melt clothes, traps that span demonic slimes?

“I guess you really don’t know, I’ll tell you. There are traps in this dungeon that will only activate on couples. To escape, they must follow the naughty instructions given by the dungeon master. It’s said that—”

“We MUST NOT let this place fall!”

Aqua said she’ll never come into a dungeon with me again after I left her alone with a lot of monsters in one, and Megumin doesn’t like dungeons because she can’t use explosion magic inside. Guess I’d have to come with the perverted masochist.

“It’s natural for adventurers to challenge a dungeon. Once we get back, I’ll invite a friend and give it a try.”

“Ah, yes, do that. By the way, there’s an unspoken agreement among male adventurers to never challenge the dungeon master. By the time you get there, you and your friend will have become more than that and most likely won’t want to anyway.”

It’s not like I want to get that close to Darkness, but if it’s an accident caused by a trap, then it can’t be helped.

I’d like to know what the ‘naughty instructions’ are, but it’s clear this is a dungeon that perverts would like to frequent.

Also, if I insist I didn’t know, then I should be able to avoid potential problems in court…


“Hey, what’s going on?” The adventurer at the lead raised his voice.

Peeking from behind I saw a huge hole at the center of the dungeon’s main chamber. Did the challenger make it as a shortcut?

“Has anyone heard of something like this before? The only way to open a hole this big is using explosion magic—but then the caster should be laying around here somewhere.”

“How did they get down there anyway? There are no ropes or ladders around and we can’t see the bottom from up here. Besides, there has to be some very dangerous monsters down there. Going after using explosion magic seems suicidal.”

Hearing them, I got a very bad feeling.

An adventurer who can still move after using explosion magic…

No male adventurer would go to the bottom of the dungeon, the challenger must be a woman…

Someone who can leap from tall heights without getting hurt…

Physical attacks don’t work on liches…

“Vanir, don’t tell me—”

“Hush, young man who is still thinking who to challenge this dungeon with. Let’s just go and retrieve that thing quickly.”

“W-wait, there’s no need for us to go first!”

“It’ll be easier to persuade if you’re with me. You’ve come this far; you’ll have to go all the way to the bottom.”

Vanir kicked me into the hole before I could react; the last thing I saw before the darkness engulfed me was a huge grin on his face.


I would’ve died had I not used my trusty sword to slow down the fall and landed on something soft.

Just how many times do I have to die by falling? And this time Aqua isn’t around to revive me…

This must be the lowest level of the dungeon, I landed on a dried-up monster, seems it got absorbed by Drain Touch.

As I was catching my breath, an explosion echoed from the depths of the previously silent dungeon. After I rushed to see what happened I heard some voices.

“Please don’t do it miss! I beg you! I worked so hard on this dungeon!”

“I-I’d like to let you go, but I have my own problems, I’m sorry!”

Wiz stood in front on a crying succubus sitting on the ground. She was slowly getting closer, holding her right hand forward.

This must’ve been the room where the dungeon master resides, the entrance has been blown up and there’s debris everywhere.

“A woman coming here means that the dungeon’s secret is finally known? I’ll close it for today, just please miss, don’t do it!”

“Eh, um, I don’t really know anything about this place… I just need money, was looking for a dungeon and just happened to find it…”

Lucky, seems Wiz doesn’t know about this dungeon’s reputation.

“Y-you just came for treasure then? I understand, I’ll give you all the treasures I have, just please spare my life!”

“Oh, I can’t just take it like that, loot is gained fairly after conquering the dungeon!”

If this continues, then the boss succubus will be slain. I was thinking about how to stop Wiz until my Sense Foe skill went crazy behind me. Too scared to move I stood by as Vanir walked past me.

“Just what are you doing embezzling shop owner? Is this what you’ve been up to all this time?”

“V-Vanir!? Kazuma too?”

“Lord Vanir!”

Wiz was surprised and the succubus started crying.

“Normally I wouldn’t intervene, but as my subordinates are running this dungeon—” Wiz stopped right as she was about to kill the succubus. “—I’ll stop you. It was me who sent you to raise funds, in a way, this is my fault.”

“But Vanir, what about the money I spent…”

“Without you around I managed for the store to turn a profit. Besides, I don’t need my allies killing each other. Come one, clumsy shop owner, let’s go home.”

“A-are you sure Vanir? I’m glad to go back, but—” Wiz hesitated for a bit, but quickly chased after Vanir. “—Wait, did you call me an ally? You didn’t just refer to the succubus, right? Even though you’re usually so curt Vanir, that’s so tsundere!”

“I changed my mind; you may come back in five years.”

“Haha, I was just teasing you! …you were joking right? I can finally go back, right!?”

Wiz anxiously shouted as she chased after Vanir.

Did they forget about me? I still can’t move from the fright…


Part 5


The succubae thanked us for saving their friend by inviting us to dinner at a fancy restaurant in the capital. Wiz ate as if she hadn’t eaten properly in weeks.

We arrived back at Axel the following afternoon.

“Come, come! The magic tools are first come, first served! One insect exterminating doll per customer! With it you won’t have to fear the Great Kings of Terror anymore. It’s yours for just 50.000 Eris!”

We headed back to the shop, and for some reason Aqua was selling goods without permission.

Normally I would’ve wondered what the heck she was doing…

“What on earth is happening? The shop… the dolls Wiz made are selling like crazy!” Vanir’s voice trembled as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Wiz, on the other hand, puffed out her chest in satisfaction, “See Vanir, I told you! I told you they’d sell well! Look at the customers, they all look so happy!”

The last doll was sold right before Wiz.

Vanir smiled bitterly, “I guess you could call this a happy accident. You’re so powerful that my all-seeing eye can’t see your future. I never thought that junk would sell so well—”

“Stop calling them junk! They’re cute and useful dolls!” Wiz said as she began playfully punching Vanir.

But I still can’t make sense of it…

“Why would anyone want a doll with a self-destruct function? I don’t get it, why are they selling so well?”

Aqua approached us with a satisfied look on her face, “Seems like a large amount of Great Kings of Terror appeared in the sewers, but nobody wants to take on the quest to clear them out because how dangerous there are. I came to the store and found dozens of these dolls, then started thinking—”

“N-no! that’s not how they’re meant to be used! They’re cute cleaning dolls!”

“Fuahahahahaha! I knew it had to be something like this, fuahahahahaha!”

Those Kings of Terror Aqua mentioned are cockroach-like monsters in this world. Unlike cockroaches, they are very dangerous, not only are their attacks quite painful, they’re also vengeful. If you kill one of them, the entire nest will attack you while you sleep.

Guess the dolls are resistant to their attacks.

“Nonetheless, you made them Wiz, congratulations. From now onwards you may also eat bread!”

“A-are you not toying with me Vanir? I can finally eat more than just potatoes and oysters!?”

“Anyway, they were all sold. I’ll take a 10.000 Eris fee per insect exterminating doll.”

“What are you saying, greedy woman? We won’t pay you more than 500 Eris per insect exterminating doll.”

“Both of you, please stop calling them insect exterminating dolls!”



A very well-known blonde delinquent kicked open the shop’s door, “Mr. Vaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir! You’re so cruel, while I was busting my ass completing quests and getting drunk, I heard you sold so many goods of the beautiful shop owner. Everyone else has been bragging about them! We’re friends aren’t we, if you have any left, please share them!”

While we were celebrating selling out the insect exterminating dolls, Dust suddenly appeared to ruin our mood.

“…I heard you went on a journey to earn some money you embezzled, guess you’re back.” He told Wiz, finally realizing she returned.

“Y-yes Dust, in back. Please tell me in detail, what goods are you talking about?”

Before I could think of a way to get rid of him, the guy who can’t read the room spoke up, “Nobody wanted to tell me details, but apparently this masked devil sold some sort of naughty goods of you! You’re very popular, everyone has many and I want some too!”


Part 6


The top of a hill nearby Axel was enveloped in a strange atmosphere.

Broken pieces of a frozen body of Vanir were lying next to Wiz. Seems they’re about to go for real.

“Come one Vanir! Don’t think of me as when I was a human!”

“Fuahahahahaha! I used to tease you a lot back then, show me how much you’ve improved. I doubt you’ll last long.”

While Wiz began chanting magic loudly, Vanir took a stance and attacked quickly, “Vanir-Style Death Ray!”

“Create Earth Wall!”

Vanir’s attack was blocked by a wall that rose from the ground. Further chanting could be heard from the other side, “Cursed Necromancy!”

In the distance something huge appeared. An undead giant frog, she should be able to summon many around Axel.

“Are you planning on summoning undead while holed up behind that mud wall? Zombie frogs are no issue, no matter how many you summon—”

“Cursed Necromancy!”, Wiz cast the spell again and a second undead frog appeared.

“As expected, are you planning on overwhelming me with quantity—?”

“Cursed Necromancy!”

Vanir remained unfazed as the three undead frogs approached him, just as they were ready to attack…

“Turn Undead!”


Before any could land an attack, Aqua got rid of them all. The range of her attack was so large than even Wiz was affected.

“I forbid you from summoning undead in my presence! One penalty for Wiz!”

Uhhhhhhh…” A faint moan could barely be heard from behind the earth wall.

“Fuahahahahaha! Well then, it’s my turn now, I’ll give you a taste of your own attack. Low-class devils, answer my call and come—!”

“Sacred Exorcism!”

Vanir collapsed to the ground once Aqua released her demon slaying spell. The few devils that appeared alongside him were vanquished before they could move.

The mask fell off his crumbling body, another one rose from the ground not long after.

“What are you doing, obstructing woman who can’t read the room!”

“You are forbidden from summoning devils in me presence! One penalty for you too!”

A voice echoed from behind the earth wall, “Lighting Strike!”


A bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the cloudless sky and impacted Vanir directly.

“Create Earth Golem!”

The wall Wiz hid behind took a humanoid shape; a three-meter-tall golem rose. She looked a little faint, must’ve been because of Aqua’s attack.

“…even though it was a surprise attack, that did real damage.”

“Fufufu, this is what happens when a lich gets serious Vanir! I’m going all out!” Wiz began to chant magic, as Vanir took the stance for the death ray again. In response, the golem moved to block Vanir’s line of fire.

“Don’t use such troublesome tactics! Fine, I’ll show you the power of a great devil that has lived for a long time!”

“Let’s decide which is better, lich or devil! Cursed Lightning!”


Part 7


The terrain had completely changed, the hill turned into a crater. The battle between the two has raged for a long time.

At first, Wiz used the golem as a shield, but was overpowered by Vanir’s constant attacks. She fought as she could but was quickly running out of mana.

She challenged Vanir to a close quarter fight to try to use Drain Touch, but he kept his distance and attacked with his death ray.

The golem became a pile of rubble after Vanir used his Destruction Ray, Wiz looks even more faint.

“Aaaaaaaaaaah! I won’t lose, I won’t lose today!”

“Fuahahahaha! Just admit your defeat, loser shop owner. I’ll give you credit for lasting so long, but your victory is impossible. Stop wasting energy and return to the shop, you need to manufacture more insect exterminating dolls!”

The fight is mostly over, but despite being covered in wounds, Wiz hasn’t given up. Vanir, on the other hand, had big smile and didn’t seem tired at all.

“You’re very strong Vanir. As I am now, I don’t feel like I can win.”

“You finally admit defeat? You fought well, today’s victory is mine yet again. But if we fight in another hundred years, I’m not so confident I will be able to win.” Vanir give Wiz an odd compliment.

However, Wiz shook her head as she took something out of her pocket, “No, this battle isn’t over yet. I wanted to fight with my strength alone, but that won’t be enough.”

Vanir’s triumphant expression suddenly stiffened. His eyes were glued to what Wiz was holding.

A chunk of manatite, a rare but powerful mineral that can give mages near unlimited mana, even if its temporary.

“With this, I’ll be serious Vanir! Cursed Lightning!” Grasping the manatite, Wiz unleashed an attack.

Vanir awkwardly dodged it, “Calm down Wiz, let’s talk. Is that the high-quality manatite I purchased last month? It was stored in a locked warehouse; how did you manage to bring it here?” He spoke in a way that couldn’t hide his agitation.

“Any good mage can crack a lock, you know? I’m grateful you bought this; I’ll make good use of it!” Wiz was now quite confident.

Vanir, however, was clearly mad, “I didn’t buy it so you could waste it! Now that the battle with the Demon King’s army is increasing in intensity, I bought it expecting it to rise in value!”

“No matter what you say, I’ll use it! If I don’t, I won’t be able to defeat you—”

“Alright then, let’s call this a draw for now. Isn’t there a saying among humans? Fighting, or revenge is pointless, something along those lines?”

“No, I’m angry! I can’t accept that now! If I don’t teach you a lesson, you’ll sell something weird again— Cursed Crystal Prison!” Wiz retorted, the manatite chunk glowing as she cast magic.

Vanir kept avoiding Wiz’s attacks, they shouldn’t be much of a threat to him. Yet whenever she used magic, his face turned pale.

“Kazuma, Kazuma! That devil is made of dirt, yet his skin is somehow turning whiter and whiter!”

“It’s really odd to see the ever-carefree Vanir so anxious. I’d like to see him cornered a little more often.”

“You jokers, stop saying such carefree things and stop this wasteful shop owner!” Vanir desperately yelled, but Wiz’s magic onslaught was drowning out his voice.

“Manatite is so useful! I should stock up on it! At least give me some credit Vanir, unlike last time, I didn’t bring the highest quality—Inferno!”

“The price of manatite is constantly fluctuating, it’s dangerous for an amateur like you to trade it!”, perhaps for him this was enough. Vanir raised his hand while engulfed in flames, “I admit defeat! There’s no need to keep fighting. I also apologize for selling naughty goods of you.”

“Lightning Strike! I still have plenty of energy left, I won’t accept a surrender. I will earn my victory—Create Earth Golem!”

As another lightning struck Vanir, the earth beneath him swelled and another earth golem rose. The rapid-fire attacks were so bad that he had a hard time reforming his body.

“You stubborn shop owner! Why are you so hellbent on winning!? Enough, I don’t want you to keep wasting that manatite, I’ll have to utterly defeat you!”

“It’s no use to get like that now! Besides, the sun is about to go down, a lich’s power increases at night—Light of Saber!”

“Night is when us devils are overflowing with power, I will finish this pointless fight in no time!”

Wiz summoned a shining sword as Vanir was boxing with the golem.

“Kazuma, Kazuma! Liches and devils are the same as NEETs, reaching their height of their powers at night! No wonder you get along so well with them.”

“It’s a good thing they’re so focused on the fight that they can’t hear you.”

Wiz used the sword to cut off one of Vanir’s arms, his eyes glowing brightly as he jumped back.

“Vanir-Style Death Ray!”

“Cursed Crystal Prison!”

Even though Wiz was struck directly, she had a big smile, seems like she’s enjoying this, “Vanir! This is just like how we fought in the depths of that dungeon long ago!”

I’m not sure if he heard her as right then his body was turned to ice and then exploded.

Another body rose from the ground, his mask now showing very visible cracks, “Back then, you were still dignified, why did you become such a pain!? Is this the fate of humans who fall into darkness…” He said in disgust.

“Please don’t say that! I don’t regret becoming a lich!” Wiz raised her voice, pulling a bunch of manatite chunks from her pockets.

“W-wait a moment—do you know how much all that manatite is worth!?” Vanir’s mouth twitched, his voice trembling.

“I don’t care! Just… after I use all of this, I’ll be sure to feel satisfied!”



The battle between the lich and the great devil continued until dawn, by then Wiz used up all the manatite. Vanir vowed to never sell naught goods of her again…


However, the cost of the manatite Wiz used exceed the profits from the sale of her naughty goods and all the insect exterminating dolls combined.

She was forced to eat nothing but bean sprouts from then on.

[1] In the original version Vanir calls it a bromide. A type of voyeur photograph of a celebrity.


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  1. I'm curious about how many vanir died in that battle


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