Konosuba Yorimichi Vol.3 - Chapter 5: A cheat for me!



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Konosuba Yorimichi Anthology Volume 3 by Natsume Akatsuki
Illustrations by Kurone Mishima
Published by Kadokawa Shoten on September 29th, 2023.

Original crappy translation by H. Berry (contact: aitch99berry@gmail.com)

Upcoming chapters will be posted on Patreon and Ko-Fi first!

Part 1


“Kazuma Satou… welcome to the Great Beyond. I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve passed on. It was a short life, but it’s over now.”

Those were the words I heard upon finding myself in a bright white room.

The person saying that was Aqua, giving an unusual dignified, goddess-like aura. If she were like this more often, people would believe her when she calls herself goddess.

I know what’s going to happen next, and I won’t lose this time.

That’s right, I’m starting over in this crappy other world!




“All of these suck! Hey devil, don’t you have something that would surprise a goddess like me, something I’d want to spend money on?” Aqua said, looking at some items at Wiz’s shop.

We didn’t have anything to do, so we came here to waste time again.

“I have many things that could surprise you, but I am aware of how much money you have, troublesome woman. I’m busy making up for the losses caused by the charred store owner.” Vanir replied as he was rearranging items next to Wiz, who was lying on the ground looking like coal.

This is something we’re used to.

Darkness tried to help Wiz get up, “If not to Aqua, is there something you could sell to me? Something that causes pain when worn, maybe some kind of collar? I’m sure someone like you would know all about that. I can use my connections as a noble to make sure it can’t be traced back to you.”

“…no, I don’t believe that would do any good in your hands, young woman who is still trying to find and destroy all cute pictures of herself. Or rather, haven’t you come in contact with a sacred treasure that matches that description? My, how disappointing, those must’ve been some delicious bad emotions.”

Darkness dropped Wiz in disappointment.

“If you treat a goddess worse than a lowly noble, you’ll get divine punishment! I’ll leave a terrible review for your store in the Axel guide map!”

Eventually, Aqua stopped interfering with Vanir’s work and continued wandering around the store.  She picked a stone placed on the shelf, “What is this?”

“It’s a bloodstone stained with evil power. My evil power.”

Aqua was staring at the stone emitting black mist on her hand intently.

“What does it do? Is it like a curse—or something.” Megumin said, flinching slightly, just mentioning curses scares her now.

Vanir replied waving his hand, “It’s just a stone with a black aura, it doesn’t have any special effects. But I know members of your clan would buy it on the name alone—stop that!”

“So, it’s you who has been selling junk to Yunyun! The other day she was showing off some forbidden crimson bloodstone!”

Megumin snatched away a box with stones and gave it to Aqua, who then crushed the stone she was holding.

“They may not do anything, but it’s still the product of a devil, I’ll purify them all!”

“Stop purifying my goods troublesome woman! Here, I’ll give you this, just go to the corner!” Vanir hurriedly searched for something in his pockets.

He pulled out some kind of matchbox, something I’ve never seen before in this world. The most common way to make fire here is using magic, that’s why I’ve been able to make so much money with simple oil lighters.

“You think you can fool me with something like this? Only a fool like Kazuma that plays with fire like a fool would be fooled! Give me something better!”

“No, no, this is a sacred treasure perfect for those with time to waste. It has a peculiar power, letting its user do a redo…”

Come again?

“…you know, this is kind of familiar. I wonder what effects it has…” I intently looked at the matchbox Aqua handed me.

It looks like an ordinary matchbox, but the word ‘redo’ is echoing in my head. There were only three matches inside.

“It’s an item that allows its user to redo their past choices by lighting those sticks on fire. However, if anyone but its original owner uses them; after the fire burns out everything except their memories go back to the way they were. In other words, it’s useless. You can’t change the past, but you can peek into a different future.”

“Hmm, that sounds interesting, it’ll be a good way to kill time. Kazuma, Kazuma, give it back!”

A redo…

That means I could undo the biggest mistake I made when coming to this world, bringing the useless goddess in front of me!

“Hold on, I want to try too! Before I joined this party, I got an invitation from another one. They said they’d make a name for themselves in a fierce battleground near the royal capital. I wonder how far my fame would’ve spread had I joined them…” Megumin said, looking smug.

She’s probably expecting me to say something like, ‘I’d never let you join another party!’, but the sweet word ‘redo’ is bouncing in my head harder and harder…

“I’m also curious … If I hadn’t spoken to Kazuma then, I wonder if I’d joined another party by now. I may not be able to land an attack but am I not an excellent shield or decoy? I can protect against anything, a party with enough firepower will have the need for—Ah, stop!”

I clenched the matchbox while the two were daydreaming. I know that I can’t actually start over, once the match goes out, things will get back to normal.


“Hey Kazuma, give it back! I’m going to redo the past where you brought me here with you. I’m curious on what kind of life I would’ve had. I’m sure I’d ascended further into heaven; I had a bright future ahead of me before a good for nothing NEET ruined it…”


If only she was a useful cheat instead of the goddess of a religion despised by most people…

“Though, I’m sure you’d be dead without me. I’m more worried about the other two. Without me, we wouldn’t be together, that’d be so sad…”

“’Ascended further into heaven’? Aqua, what the heck are you talking about? I’m the party’s firepower, if not for me, none of you would’ve achieved the fame you have today. I even let you profit from all my feats.”

Darkness timidly raised her hand as to enter the argument, “W-well, if it wasn’t for me—Ah! Why can’t you let me finish!?”

I quickly backed away from them before they could lay a finger on the matches.

“Kazuma, what are you trying to do? There are only three matches, it’s only fair who gets to use them—”

Without hesitation, I quickly lit one.


Part 2


“What’s the matter, are you in a daze? I guess it’s understandable given that you’ve passed away.”

Aqua was peeking at me while hiding her usual self behind this proper goddess façade.

If I remember correctly, the first thing I did was asking her if the girl I helped is safe. There’s no need for that now, just give me a good cheat item and let me reincarnate.

“Oh yeah, I feel quite dead. Anyway, what will happen to me now?”

Of course, I know what will happen next, to make her get on with it, I gave her a normal answer as to not make it too weird.

Aqua should explain about reincarnation. No, before that, she told me I could go to heaven or something like that.

“You seem oddly calm even though you just passed away. Nice to meet you, my name is Aqua. I’m a goddess who gives guidance to those in Japan who die young. Now then, you have two choices” While trying to seem serious, her mouth was twitching a little, “—Option one: be reborn as a human, start a completely new life. And o-option two-o-o…live like an old geezer in a heavenly place-he-he-he-he-he...” The twitching on her cheeks increased, she could barely hold back her laughter.

That’s right, this idiot laughed because the way I died, that’s how her façade of a beautiful goddess was forever destroyed in my eyes.

No matter, I know how this goes, I really want her to do her best and contain her laughter.

“G-geezer! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry, I can’t hold it anymore! You just died in such a funny way—hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!—Why are you looking at me so seriously—? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”[1]

This girl…!

No, calm down Kazuma, if I get mad, I’ll do the same mistake as last time. I have to act like an adult and ignore this idiot, then I’ll be able to start over and won’t see her again.

That’s right, instead of a debt-filled life full or regret I’ll be able to enjoy the reincarnated life I always dreamed of.

“How could you die from shock from NOT being plowed by a tractor? I just don’t get it!”

“S-Sorry for dying in such a pathetic way. Anyway, could you please tell me what happens next?”

I must calm down, no point on retaliating, I have to change the past!

Aqua resumed with a big smile, “—hahaha… Thanks for that, I was a bit stressed, you just died in such an interesting way Mr. Satou. Anyway, as I said, you have two options, a boring heaven with no TV, manga, or videogames where the only pleasure is small talk with other dead people while basking in the sun. Or do you want to spend your days full of romance and adventure in a mysterious other world? I would recommend the latter, because—”

“I’ll take that.” If I let her continue, she’s going to make me angry, I just want to get on with this.

“Hold on now, it could be dangerous, let me finish. Don’t you want to know what kind of world you’re going to?” She looked at me rather suspiciously.

“The Demon King is on a rampage and humanity is blablabla, right? You’re sending me as a reinforcement with some kind of cheat ability.”

After I got ahead of myself and cut the explanation short, she looked like she was about to say something but fell silent. Perhaps happy about having less work to do, she just silently handed me a catalog.

I hurriedly flipped through, looking for something I saw long ago; I’ve often thought about it since I was regretfully trapped with Aqua.

She peeked behind me, “I don’t recommend you get that time stopping thing. I bet you’re planning to do something naughty with time stop, but a weakling like you won’t be able to stop time for even a second.”

Despite what she said I was not planning to abuse its power, but I guess I’ll have to try with something else.

“Ah, that hypnotic thing doesn’t work on humans. It’s only useful against monsters, but if you insist on doing naughty things—” Aqua was being very annoying.

“Why do you think I’m going to misuse it? And with monsters no less! There’s only junk here, give me something useful!”

“Aren’t you a bit too rude to a goddess? If you keep being disrespectful, I’ll impose on you an ability to summon goblins or something.”

“If you do that, I’ll fill this place to the brim with goblins!”

Ignoring the frightened Aqua, I kept flipping through the catalog. Not only do I want to avoid the burden of this useless goddess, but the other problem children too, the crazy explosion girl and the masochist crusader.

I need an all-around ability that will let me go solo…

“What about this, the Demon Sword Laevateinn?”

That Madaragi guy got strong after receiving a magic sword. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with them.

“A magic sword? Are you sure a sprout like you will be able to wield it?”

“…will it not increase my physical abilities just by holding it?”

Aqua grabbed the catalog and flipped through, “It won’t, but I’m sure even a weakling like you could make good use of this.”

She pointed at an item called Sacred Toiled Brush. The description said it became a sacred treasure after it was used by the goddess Aqua. It has a special effect on demons and undead, and it can remove even the most stubborn stains…

She’s really getting to my nerves, it’s as if she wants to go to that world with me.

“If you’re going to make fun of me this much, I have my own ideas.”

Aqua briefly covered her mouth to hold her laughter, “And what are you going to do? Fill this place with goblins? I was kindly helping you; I have done nothing wrong.”

I’m not sure if that’s an apology or a provocation.

“What I’m taking with me is…”


Part 3


Horse-drawn carriages rattled along the stone-paved streets of a very familiar town.

My plan went awry, but I can work this out. First, I’ll go to the adventurers’ guild.

“Oh man! Ohhh man! Ohmanohmanohman!” Ignoring Aqua’s trembling I pushed forward to the guild.

We’ll have to pay a fee, but I’ll let her get the money like last time.

“Waaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Aqua was on her knees, holding her head with her hands.

“Come on, there’s nothing to do now that we’re here. Let’s quickly register at the adventurer’s guild, after that let’s rent a stable to sleep in. That should be enough for today. Let’s get goi—!”

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Aqua was trying to grab me, but I resisted by holding her head down.

“H-hey stop that! Stop dropping my pants, you useless goddess, that’s harassment! I didn’t want to bring you to begin with! You were just egging me so much! I just wanted a true cheat item!”

“What are you talking about?!”—She wept—“You forcefully brought a goddess like me! Apologize! Apologize for bringing me here and saying so many cruel things! From now on you’ll have to support me!”

It’s a shame I couldn’t endure her, but no point on crying over spilled milk, I can still work this out.

“Listen, stupid NEET! If you dare call me useless goddess again, I’ll punish you! I’ll make your laundry smell fishy!”

“That’s harassment! Listen, let’s just go, dumb bimbo. Things may have not gone according to my plans so far, but I don’t want to make any mistakes from here on.”

“What did you call me, stupid hikiNEET?! You are to refer to me as Lady Aqua!”

“Then stop calling me NEET! I will only call you ‘Lady’ Aqua if it’s followed by ‘the useless goddess’!”

Ignoring the shouting Aqua, I headed towards the adventurer’s guild.




“—Aqua, first of all, we’ll register as adventurers, then we’ll find a place to sleep. Tomorrow we’ll get a part-time job.”

“Why get a part-time job if we’re becoming adventurers? You surprise me though, coming here with no hesitation, I thought you just were a hikiNEET loser otaku that grosses out women, but you’re surprisingly talented.”

Aqua seems impressed, but this is only natural since it’s the second time I do this. I don’t get why whenever she gives a compliment, she also needs to throw two insults, but whatever, I can’t get discouraged.

I looked around for a certain person.

“Aqua, could you ask that priest over there for some money?”

“Why should a goddess like me, beg for money?”

“We need to pay a fee to register as adventurers. You don’t have any money, right? Because I sure don’t. Let’s just borrow some money from the priest. It’ll be a good opportunity to show off your goddess majesty.”

“I don’t know how you know that, but fine, I’ll show you the majesty of a goddess.” By nature, Aqua doesn’t think too much, she just went ahead with it.

“You, priest! State your denomination! I am Aqua! Yes, Aqua, she who is venerated by the Church of Axis! If you are among my followers…it would…really help if you could…lend me some money.”

“I’m afraid I’m of the Eris sect…”

“Oh, is that so? Sorry to bother you then…”

Aqua walked back to me in defeat, the conversation went just as it did before. But so did the rest, and the priest ended up giving Aqua some money out of pity.

“Okay, now let’s register as adventurers.”

“Hold on, hikiNEET. I did as you asked and got the money, but aren’t you forgetting something important? You haven’t shown gratitude!”

She’s right, I went to the priest to give him my proper thanks.

“Okay, now let’s go!”

“You were supposed to thank me, stupid NEET!”

Leaving the noisy Aqua behind, I went to the familiar gorgeous receptionist, “Hi, I came to register as an adventurer, you can skip the explanations. Oh yeah, I want my class to be adventurer.”

“Huh? ...are you sure you don’t want me to explain anything? Adventurer is one of the weakest classes…”

I held out my hand to grab the adventurer’s card from the confused girl, “This is the only class I can take because of my stats. Aqua, do it too, register as an Archpriest.”


“Hmm? How do you know so much of this world? Well, as a goddess, I should be able to become an Archpriest.”

Things unfolded similar as before, after successfully getting our classes Aqua and I (well, mostly Aqua) were seen off with anticipation by the guild staff.

My journey as an adventurer in this world begins anew!


Part 4


After renting a corner of the stable and making a bed out of good-looking and clean straw, Aqua and I discussed our future plans.

“Listen, not only we don’t have money, we don’t have any gear either. First of all, we’ll work part-time to get some cash, then we’ll get weapons, and then we’ll raise our levels outside town.” I was thinking about how it went last time, Aqua was sitting cross legged and nodding silently, “Once we raise our level and get enough skill points, I’ll learn blacksmithing skills to develop products to sell. We’ll quickly make a lot of money that way.”

“That all sounds good, but aren’t you forgetting something very important? How do we defeat the Demon King?”

Even though I’ve lived in this world for a long time I still don’t know anything about the Demon King, I even forgot that our original goal was to overthrow him. Anyway, that won’t be a problem, after we earn a lot of money and settle into carefree life she won’t care anymore.

“No need to think so far ahead yet. We’ll deal with that after we establish our livelihood, ok?”

“The most important thing now is to get out of here. How can you sleep in stables so easily, don’t you come from modern Japan?”

While I am used to sleeping on a bed, Aqua and I lived like this for so long that it doesn’t bother me.

Of course, there are things to think about in short term, namely the attack by the Demon King army general Beldia and the Destroyer.

Beldia shouldn’t be a problem. As long as we don’t attack the old castle he’ll leave on his own.

Regarding the destroyer, I thought about just moving away, but that won’t do. This town has a terrific store that I want unharmed, and also many acquaintances and friends, I can’t just abandon them. I know when and from where it’ll arrive, I could hire Wiz and Megumin to destroy its legs before it gets too close. Its power source will still go out of control and explode, but if it’s far from the city then it won’t be a problem.

It’s the perfect plan!

That way the city will be protected, and I won’t be burdened with debt!

“Yes, I’ll get a good job right away, and then a mansion!”

Goodbye life with unreasonable debt.

Aqua’s eyes were glittering, she clenched her fist, “A mansion, huh? Okay, I’ll show you my power! We’re sure to get rich quick!”

Her powerful declaration made me confident about our future.


[Redo, day #2]

“Listen carefully Aqua, working at a construction site is our last resort. The boss and workers are nice, but it’s a very though job. Let’s get a part-time job at a bar.”

“How the heck do you know that? But ok, my super special skills should come handy at a bar, I can carry 29 mugs at the same time, you know!”

Really? I want to see that! …no, no it doesn’t matter how amazing that sounds, I cannot let Aqua get close to the booze.

Not because she’ll drink it, but because if she touches it, it’ll turn into water. That’s how we lost this job last time.

“I’ll serve the drinks, Aqua, you can wash the dishes. You could also help by going to the field and catching some fish.”

“Leave it to me, I can do any-fin! Hehe.[1]

Last time the owner got angry because I didn’t know it was common sense in this world to catch fish in the fields.

Not this time. Even if it’ll be for a short time, I want a genuinely peaceful life in another world.




“—how am I supposed to catch a Neroid if you don’t tell me what they look like? I can’t work in these conditions!”

“Have you been living under a rock? How can you not know what a neroid is? Even children know what they look like!”

We’ve been here for about an hour and already got an unreasonable order from the owner, this is turning into a mess again.

“Then just tell me what they look like!”

“They have an amorphous appearance and are often found in dark places like alleys. They have a unique meowing sound; follow it and you’ll find them. If you drink them, you’ll feel a bubbling sensation in your throat.”

“You just drink mons—?”

“Hey new girl, what are you doing! Use the dish washer!”, he suddenly looked into the kitchen and raised is voice

He was staring at Aqua, as she was doing the dishes…

“I accidentally touched it and turned it into water! B-but don’t worry, with the power of the goddess of water even if I just use water the dishes will be sparkling clean—!”

“S-so I just have to catch some neroids and some fish, right!? I’ll get going—!”

“FIRED! You’re both fired!”

While Aqua burst into tears, I grabbed the owner by the collar to give him a piece of my mind.


[Redo, day #3]

“Listen Aqua, we can’t mess this up. If we lose this job, we’ll have to do construction work.” I was warning Aqua for the umpteenth time in front of a grocery shop. Today we’ll be selling produce.

“Calm down Kazuma, I’m confident in my ability to sell bananas.”

Last time I trusted Aqua and left her in charge of the banana business, but she used some weird trick that made them disappear.

“Don’t use that trick of making things disappear, if you do, we’ll get fired again.”

“How do you know about that? I don’t make things disappear, they just become microscopic. But alright, I won’t use it.”

I’d like to see all of Aqua’s tricks, but that will have to wait for another day.

“Look at these fresh bananas! Freshly fished from the river, get them for 300 Eris folks! Just 300 Eris!”

“That’s the spirit!” Last time, I couldn’t concentrate by how ridiculous bananas fished from the river was, but I’m unfazed now.

I followed Aqua by rising my voice until I suddenly noticed a familiar figure staring at me, I quickly looked away.

“It’s half the price and twice the quality than other shops—! Hey Kazuma, why are you so quiet, help me out!”

Megumin was staring at us.

“What, are you curious about that girl—? Ooooh, red eyes—”

“Stop, don’t make eye contact! We must not get involved with her!”

That was close; we almost got acquainted with Megumin. Anyway, no time to get distracted, we can’t lose this job.

“Alright, I’ll show off my skills. Dear customers, it’s time for a rock-paper-scissors competition! As you can see there are plenty of bananas here, if you beat me in a game of rock-paper-scissors you’ll get some for free, and if I win, then you have to buy them!”

“Kazuma, Kazuma, are you sure that’s okay!?”

Aqua did good on getting so many people to pay attention to us, but I can’t let her shrink the bananas again. I’ll take the initiative and make money using my special skills.

“Don’t worry, I’ve never lost a game of rock-paper-scissors.”

“Is that some kind of special ability? You should’ve told me before, now I’ll never make any kind of gamble with you, ever!”

That’s fine, it’s not like I want anything from her.

“Is that true? If we beat you the bananas are free?”, “That sounds fun! And even if I lose, its just 300 Eris.”

Before I noticed, a crowd of onlookers gathered.

“Of course, it’s not a lie! If you beat me, you’ll get free produce, it doesn’t have to be bananas, anything in the store goes!”

“You’re very confident, fine! I’ll play you for this apple.”, “I’ll play for these onions!”

The shop owner stiffened as more and more customers gathered, but his expression relaxed as I kept winning game after game. Not only the bananas, but everything was also selling like hotcakes.

“You got me worried there but seems like this part-time job will pay off!”

“Leave this to me, you just gather more customers. We’ll be selling a lot more tomorrow!”

Yes, it’s finally working, carefree life in another world here we come!

“This looks like an interesting way to do business.”

I trembled upon hearing a familiar voice behind me.

“Oh, do you want to join our competition? If you beat the undefeated Kazuma, you’ll get any produce for free! If your luck stat is high, it’s silly not to play!”

“Wha—r-really? Well, I’m confident I can beat anyone with my luck!”

No, please don’t. I timidly turned around to try to stop Aqua…

“Then… Ah! I’d like the matsutake mushrooms at the back! And that melon in the corner too.”

“I’m sorry, but we closed two seconds ago.”

“What are you talking about, Kazuma? Those mushrooms and the melon are among the most expensive produce, highly sought after even by thieves. Beat this boy and our fee will skyrocket!”

No, no, no, no, no. No provocations please, there’s no way I can beat that boy.

It was Chris. She spotted the most expensive produce that I purposely hid just in case.

“Hey, m-ma’am, you are an Archpriest, aren’t you? You can cast Blessing on your friend if you want.”

Chris smiled fearlessly, even though she was irked by what Aqua called her. She may have just doomed our business.

How am I supposed to beat the goddess of luck?

“Aqua, cast the most powerful blessing you can.”

“Huh? Are you serious, Kazuma? Isn’t that cheating?”

Last time I played rock-paper-scissors with Aqua, we drew after casting she cast blessing on herself.

Last time I played with Chris, I hopelessly lost…

“You can use any magic you like; I’ve never lost at rock-paper-scissors!”

I mustered all my courage and clenched my fist, ready to take on the challenge. Aqua cast her magic, but Chris remained unfazed.

“I've never lost at rock-paper-scissors either…”

To save my carefree future, I raised my fist to win this battle!


A few days later.

Today was the last day of our part-time job. We headed to the weapon shop with our pay.

“Alright, we finally saved enough after days of back breaking construction work. I’ll get the cheapest gear to fight monsters and raise my level.”

“I don’t know why you complained so much Kazuma, it was fun! But I can’t go home if you don’t defeat the Demon King. Finally, our adventure is about to begin!”

Poor naïve Aqua, our adventure will never begin. Today is a monumental place in the crossroad of fate, it’s better not to say anything that could ruin things.

We had to go to our last resort after Chris mercilessly defeated me, getting us fired. So far, things haven’t been that different than last time, but I can’t give up. I can still work this out.

“Listen Aqua. Tomorrow we’ll fight some giant frogs to raise our levels. They’re really strong, so we can’t fight more than two at once. Don’t let you guard down.”

“Oh, weak little Kazuma, why are you afraid of something like that? Those dumb frogs are the weakest monsters around town, if you can’t fight them, it’ll be impossible for you to slay the Demon King.”

“Those weak monsters might as well be your natural enemy. Physical attacks have no effect on them, and there’s so many around town that if you run around to avoid one, more will show up.”

Not heeding my advice, Aqua let out a mocking laugh.

Well, frogs really want to eat her, she’ll be great bait.

Kill some frogs and raise my level, then learn some blacksmithing skills, and finally, somehow acquaintance Wiz…


Part 5


“The problem is, the two of us alone are totally outmatched. We need some allies!” Aqua said as she stuffed herself with fried frog at the guild, feeling refreshed after taking a bath.

Things went around the same as before, we headed to the field, the frogs almost ate Aqua, I was barely able to save her to tell the tale, and we returned to the guild to get our reward and sell the frogs’ meat.

Despite my best attempts, the future is refusing to change…

While we barely earned money for this meal, thanks to the experience I got, I was able to go up by two levels.

“No, we don’t need more people. I need one more skill point to learn blacksmithing skills. We just need to defeat one more frog.”

“Hold on, do you intend to use me as bait again?” Aqua tried to throw a wrench into my plans.


“No, I don’t wanna! I don’t want to see the inside of a frog’s mouth ever again, it’s warm and fishy and gross! If you use a goddess as bait again, you’ll get divine punishment!”

Aqua’s help may be invaluable, but she’s also causing nearly all of my problems too.

I shared some of my meal to shut her up.  If I recall correctly, soon she’ll put a recruitment notice, which lures in Megumin. I cannot let that happen; our future will be ruined. If she joins the party, Darkness will follow shorty.

If I stop that then the future will change for sure!

“Here, eat some more, just please act as bait just one more time. You won’t be swallowed, just stay in the frog’s mouth for a little while. After this fight I’ll give you as much alcohol as you want.”

“Do you think you can bribe me with food and drinks? Who do you think I am?” Aqua said while taking all my food and giving me suspicious look.

“Excuse me, could we—?”

“Absolutely not.” I didn’t even turn to face the person who suddenly sat next to me, rejecting them without a moment’s notice.

“Hrrk…! It’s understandable that you’re wary of a stranger. Would it be possible for me to introduce myself first?”

“No thanks.”

After another immediate rejection, the pervert who sat next to me started shaking as her face turned red.

Yes, Darkness approached us for seemingly no reason. Aqua hasn’t posted any recruitment notice yet and Megumin isn’t around.

“Please don’t say that. A moment ago, I heard you say ‘bait’ and ‘stay in the frog’s mouth’, that’s not something I can ignore…”

Why is this perverted Crusader so sharp when it comes to these things?

Calm down, I can’t panic, I should be able to turn her away.

“Well, the thing is our party—”

“Listen to me! This sorry excuse of a man is really cruel! He can’t support me; he can’t protect me, and he uses me as bait to fight monsters!”


Aqua, please don’t say that. I’ll give you anything you want!

“H-Hey Aqua, this is a special day, isn’t it? We must commemorate our first victory against monsters, what do you say I invite you a drink?”

“What are you talking about, Kazuma? A drink won’t be enough, we’ll need several!”

At least Aqua is easy to distract. It’s not an expense I can afford, but it can’t be helped. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a small price to pay to avoid Darkness…

“Oh, if that’s the case, please allow me to treat you. In exchange just listen to what I have to say.”

“R-really!? You’re amazing miss knight! If you give me a drink, I’ll listen to anything you have to say, even if it’s a complaint!”

With Aqua’s betrayal, I finally admit defeat.

“A-alright! Are you two a party? Judging from what you said earlier, I assume you had a hard time with the frogs?”

“That’s right! Those devilish frogs can somehow withstand the power of a goddess! I told my stupid companion that we should recruit more allies, but he’s too much of a shy virgin hikikomori NEET to do it!”

Who is she calling hikikomori? I’m an advanced NEET, it’s not fair.

Calm down Kazuma, I need to calm down and think.

“W-well, if that’s the case. My name is Darkness, I’m a Crusader…”

Darkness is usually the most levelheaded member of our party, she’s the only one to have common sense, as long as her fetishes aren’t involved.

“I heard you need bait to fight the frogs. T-then let me do it, a Crusade specializes in protection. What do you say? Will you let me join your party?”

I can work this out, she’ll join, but temporarily.  I’ll retire from adventuring after learning blacksmithing skills, then I’ll become a merchant and leave the party. Afterwards, they can go and fight the Demon King on their own for all I care.

“Excuse me adventurers, I couldn’t help but overhear your discussion—”

…my luck stat is high? Yeah right. That must be some kind of mistake.

Before I could deal with one problem child, the other one appeared.

Why is she here!? She was supposed to come after Aqua posted her recruitment poster!

“I am Megumin! I am of the occupation Archwizard, one who wields the most powerful of all offensive magic, Explosi—!”

“WOW THAT’S AMAZING! Those red eyes, you’re from the Crimson Magic Clan, right? It’s incredible that you can use explosion magic Miss Megumin! What else!? What other magic can you use!?” Before Megumin could finish, I took the initiative.

I know how to push her buttons; I should be able to get rid of her.

“…it’s foolish to reveal one’s secrets to others other than your close allies. I haven’t even introduced myself yet, you are being too pushy.” Megumin rolled her eyes, Aqua and Darkness nodded as if thinking ‘I see, I see…’

“Kazuma, Kazuma, we got two advanced classes, a Crusader and an Archwizard! There’s no way we can let them go!”

I can’t believe this.

But no, I haven’t given up.

Darkness aside, how did Megumin get here? I don’t get it. Even the conversation has gone mostly the same, but they appeared days earlier.

“By the way, I heard that lady knight was going to pay. It’s a brazen request and if you will pardon me asking, could you give me something to eat? I haven’t had a bite in three days…”

Damn it!





Before I knew it, I found myself back in Wiz’s magic tool shop. I felt heat on the fingertips of my right hand, there was a burned match.

“Ah! You used the match, stupid NEET! There were three and you just wasted one!”

“That’s right, now thanks to you we’re playing a battle board game to decide who will use the rest. Kazuma, you wasted one, you’ll act as referee!”

I felt as I just awoken from a dream, watching the three playing some kind of board game.

“Hmmm…if I move here, I can teleport to escape, but its troublesome to ignore the archwizard…” Darkness was seemingly planning her strategy.

I grabbed Aqua’s shoulder, “Why do you always try to provoke me! And you, Megumin, why are you so poor? At least try a little harder!”

“What the heck are you talking about, stupid hikiNEET! Why are you acting as if I did something wrong, it was you, you wasted the match!”

“That’s right! And have I ever caused problems because I was poor? I’m Megumin, a proud Member of the Crimson Magic Clan. Who do you think the source of all our wealth is? If anything, you should always be praising me!”

“Ah, y-yes yes, thank you. We have to live on cheap food and barely make ends meet because of the huge debt you caused me! Oh, am I grateful to you, what would be of me without you!” I offered Megumin my gratitude while forcefully shaking her head.

“Hmm, if I place the Crusader here, it’ll be within the archwizard’s range… Megumin could make that troublesome

“EXPLOSION!” I tossed the board game in the air.

“Aaaaaah?! Kazuma, what are you doing! You’re not playing with us; you can’t use explosion!”

“You’re so annoying, princess! Thank you for trying to appear normal when we first met!”

“What? Y-you’re welcome…?”

I can’t believe that after starting over things ended up the same.

I took a good look at the matchbox.

“Darkness, that counts as you forfeiting the game! Aqua and I win the remaining matches. As the Crusader, you had to protect the board!”

“I’ve never heard of that rule! If you’re right then it should be on the rulebook… wait it is here… Megumin, isn’t this your handwriting!?”

I took another match and lit it right away.



Part 6


“Kazuma Satou… welcome to the Great Beyond. I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve passed on. It was a short life, but it’s over now.”

Those were the words I heard upon finding myself in a bright white room.

This time I took the initiative, “I see, I understand, goddess. In my previous life, I read manga, light novels and what not about other worlds. I know you’re going to tell me I get a cheat item and have to defeat a Demon King, right?”

Aqua froze for a moment, her jaw dropped and her eyes staring at me suspiciously, “Finally, a knowledgeable person! That’s about it, yeah, but how do you know I’m a goddess? I haven’t even told you my name.”

I took a deep breath, “I can tell just by looking at you. There’s no way someone as beautiful as you is human. With that inhuman beauty, if not a goddess, then what are you?” I was barely able to contain my laughter.

I’m not really lying; I just want to keep her happy so she won’t make me mad. It’s annoying, but I prefer this over enduring her mockery again.

Get going Aqua!


“I-I mean, you’re a goddess, aren’t you?”

What’s the matter with her? She suddenly covered her face and is not saying anything. Just skip the explanation and give me a cheat item already!

“W-well… Yes! It’s true that I’m the beautiful, alluring, exquisite, gorgeous, magnificent, pulchritudinous, ravishing, stunning, and beautiful goddess of water, but I’m sorry… I just can’t see a human that way…”

“…ahhhhhhhhhh?” I couldn’t help but give a dumbfounding reply.

“I mean, I’m sorry. Sometimes reincarnated people get a little…attached… when they see me. The other day a boy called Marurugi showed up, his eyes glowed when he saw me and—” She leaned back on her chair as I can’t even understand what she’s saying, “—Ahahahahahahahaha! I can’t believe an uninteresting otaku like you would fall for me, a goddess! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahah! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I can’t take it!!”




“…I can’t believe it… I was kidnapped…taken to another world by a hikiNEET who was captivated by my beauty…”

My patience ran thin in less than ten seconds.

I looked around, ignoring the crying Aqua. Last time Darkness unexpectedly appeared, and I had a near miss with Megumin while selling bananas.

This time, I’ll avoid wherever they are likely to be around. If I do that, I should be able to change the future…!?

My eyes met with Megumin’s who was lazily looking at us from inside a passing carriage.

“Get out, no way we met so early!”

“Met? Met who? What are you talking about?”

It was only for an instant and Megumin looked away as if she was bored, but we did see each other. Her looking away made me feel a bit bad for some reason.

Come to think of it, Megumin was rejected by all parties after she came to town, she was starving by the time she was drawn to our party.

If that’s the case, then this is when she arrived in town, she’s probably full of confidence being a part of an elite group of archwizards. From now on she’ll have many trials and tribulations…

“Aqua, I got an idea!”

“We’re not in first name basis yet. I get that you want to get closer to the person you’re hopelessly in love with, but you must respect the order of things. For starters, you’ll refer to me as Lady Aqua, understood? Lady Aqua.”

“I understand, useless goddess. I’ll begin by calling you useless goddess.” I followed Aqua’s orders, her face was swollen from all the crying.

“You know, now that we came to another world together, I guess we’re friends. Just Aqua is fine…” She hurriedly chased after me after I left for the guild.

Once again, first order of business is getting blacksmithing skills. I guess we can skip the part-time job to get money.

I’ll let Megumin pair up with other parties. Meanwhile, I’ll get some temporary party members to help us level up. Easier said than done, of course, just how am I going to get an experience adventurer to help out a couple of newbies?

“Rejoice, Aqua! The time has come for you, someone who quickly amasses debt and turns into a NEET, to be useful for the first time!”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, all I get is that there’s a NEET I just met trying to pick a fight with me. You better be careful; this goddess’ fists will show you a world of pain!”

Among the drinking friends I’ll make in the future, there are many who will help me level up, as long as I pay that is.

As for the money? We won’t be paying with money!

Aqua’s healing magic is so powerful it can heal injuries suffered long ago. Back when I first came into this world, she healed an old injury of an adventurer to get him to pay for our drinks, and something really odd happened. Apparently, he had a hard time walking for many years, but then was completely healed in an instant. He was so grateful to Aqua, he converted to the Axis cult then and there.

That should happen about six months from now, but there’s no need to wait!

She’ll heal him, he’ll get happy, and we’ll be rewarded. We can do this, we can do this—

“Ow! Why did you do that, useless goddess!? I came up with a great idea to get you to heaven as soon as possible!”

I limped into the guild after Aqua gave me a powerful blow to the stomach. She followed after me, keeping some distance.




Aqua and I did the same as before and we successfully got our adventurer cards.

“Hey, see that old man over there? He used to be an adventurer like us, but he took an arrow in the knee[1] years ago, and now he can’t use one of his legs very well.”

“…we just came into this world; how do you know that? You even knew where the adventurer’s guild is, what’s up with you?”

Aqua is usually dumb as a rock, but she tends to be really sharp at the most inconvenient times.

“Well, for an otaku like me it’s easy to tell, the adventurer’s guild is obviously in the middle of town. And I was able to tell that guy has an injury because he looks like a veteran adventurer, but this town is for beginners.”

“I see, I guess a virgin otaku hikikomori NEET would know about that. Alright, in exchange for healing his injuries I’ll ask him to help you raise your level. It’s only fitting for a goddess to help her subordinates!”

Aqua timidly approached the old man. He was drinking when he noticed Aqua and stared at her with an odd expression, wondering what was going on.

“You! Veteran adventurer! You took an arrow to the knee in battle with the Demon King’s army and are now drowning your sorrows in this city. As the goddess of water, I will heal your wounds…!”

“Huh? There’s something weird about you, no thanks. I’m good.”

“…did you not hear me? I’m going to heal you, show me your leg! After I’m done with you, you’ll be so happy you’ll convert to the Axis church and worship me!”

“No, no, no. There’s something fishy about all this, how do you know about my knee anyway? I sure don’t want anything to do with the Axis Cult, go away!”

Aqua trudged back after the old man chased her away, “He refused treatment…”

“Maybe not be so overly open about the Axis church? I thought that was a good idea…”

Is the easy route blocked for us? I resigned myself to do the back breaking construction work to buy gear, no need to waste time with the other part-time jobs.

“Aqua, starting tomorrow we’ll start working at the construction site.”

“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, why are you leaping to the worst kind of job!?”


Part 7


A few days later.

We took up construction work and did so well the boss asked us to become full-time employees. When we first worked here, I could barely move at the end of the day, but now I’ve done it so many times, I’m more experienced than most of his regular staff.

We were able to get our paychecks much earlier now that we didn’t waste days working on part-time jobs just to get fired.

“I’ll be able to learn blacksmithing skills by defeating three frogs. That will be our quota.”

“Frogs are the most common monsters around here, aren’t they? With me around, we’ll easily defeat more than three.”

Normally, we’d go back to town after fighting two frogs. I need to push myself just a little more this time, so I can raise to level 4 in one go.

Aqua and I arrived at the usual field, and started searching for frogs…

Because I had all the equipment much earlier, we went hunting frogs days before we’d normally do.

Suddenly, in the distance, I saw a tremendous explosion I’m all but used to.

And that explosion means that several frogs will awaken!

Aqua isn’t used to seeing explosion magic just yet, she turned pale, “Kazuma, Kazuma! Did you see that!? Let’s just go home for now, I think this is a bad day!”

“That was just explosion magic, it’s a typical sight around here, don’t be scared.”

“…you know, I’m curious. We’ve been seeing those explosions since we started working at the construction site. Just what’s causing them and why is no one putting a stop to it?”

“The thing causing them is a crazy kid, I guess nobody in town wants anything to do with thathold on, where are the frogs?”

A lot of frogs should’ve awakened by the blast, but I don’t see any.

There are no adventurers around either, is this a high-level area or something?

…now that I think about it, last time I saw a bunch guild staff running towards the field with stretchers. Apparently, some adventuring party engaged in fierce battle against a formidable enemy.

In that case, we should go to the main gate and wait for the injured adventurers.

“Aqua, let’s go back to town. I think there will be plenty of injured people rushing in soon. You could heal them for—”

“That’s a great idea! Both of us win that way, I get more followers, and you get someone to help you raise your level!”

Exactly, it is a great idea, and this way Aqua won’t have to be bait. It is kind of morbid though, waiting on injured adventurers, but after Aqua heals them, everyone will be happy!

“Most often than not, I don’t think my luck stat is truly working, today is a rare day. All I need to do is get blacksmithing skills, and everything will be fine—” As I was praising my luck, I seemingly summoned bad luck, very bad luck.

“Kazuma, Kazuma look! That scrawny little girl on the stretcher there can’t move! I’m going to heal her!”

It was Megumin.

To be precise, it was a whole adventuring party, Megumin among them, unable to move due to using her magic.

“Aqua, wait—!”

“You! Adventurer! Do you need healing magic? I’ll help you for reaaaaaaaaaal cheap!” Before I could stop her, she hurried to the adventurer party.

The guild receptionist recognized her, “Ah, it’s you, Miss Aqua the new Archpriest! Could you help them? These people defeated a powerful demon, the guild will handsomely pay for their treatment!”

“Slaying demons is the most noble thing to do. But I don’t need money, in exchange for healing them I’d like them to help me raise the level of my weakling companion.”

With that, Aqua began to heal. The adventurers who were in pain in those stretchers were healed immediately.

No way. Megumin has a party, she won’t try to join ours, right…?

“I-if that’s all you need, we’ll happily help! You healed us all, we’ll help you get to level 10 if you ask for it!” The leader casually accepted Aqua’s request, the rest of the party nodded in agreement.

“Helping you raise your level? In other words, you guys are just budding adventurers.” Said Megumin, stumbling to stand up as a small smile appeared on her lips, “Doesn’t seem you have a mage with you, hehehehehehehehehe. You are lucky, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally lucky!”

Please don’t say odd things, you already have a party, just go with them!

“I am Megumin! I am of the occupation Archwizard, one who wields the most powerful of all offensive magic, Explosion! You arrived right on time, as I am available. If I join your party, you’ll have no problem raising your level!”

“Kazuma, Kazuma, did you hear that? Explosion magic! We found a reliable party member!”

“Why? Aren’t you in a party with those people?” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected turn of events.

She tilted her head, “These people were summoned by a friendless girl who rushed to the adventurer’s guild for help. Now that I think about it, where is she? Did she run out of mana...whatever, doesn’t matter.”

No, it does matter, go look for Yunyun, and go away with her!

“I just defeated a great demon with my explosion magic, soon enough I’ll be highly sought after by numerous parties. You should be grateful that I’m willing to lend you a hand, I’m sure we’ll get along fine, we seem to be around the same age.”

“I refuse.”

“…I don’t think you understood me. Take my hand, I’m willing to lend you my power to defeat all enemies!”

Damn it!





I was screaming with all my might by the time I regained consciousness back at the magic tool shop.

“Stop screaming, you thieving NEET! Apologize to Darkness for using two matches!”

“That’s right, just look at her! Had you given us the matches from the beginning none of this would’ve happened!”

Aqua and Megumin were pointing at a gagged and hog-tied Darkness on the floor, her cheeks burning bright red.

She looks rather happy, I’m curious as to what happened, but won’t be asking any questions.

“You! If it’s not about explosion magic you never use your brain at its full potential! Don’t you understand what rejection is? No means no!”

“W-what the hell are you talking about!?”

During the last redo Megumin was so confident after beating some demon, she more or less forced herself into our party.

Aqua was nearly swallowed by a frog after we went to the fields to raise our level, Megumin used her magic, and we all ended up covered in frog slime and guts.

And then, Darkness spotted us once we got back to town…

“Megumin, it’s time to decide who will use the remaining match! But not with that dumb board game, you always cheat!”

“It’s not cheating unless it’s found. Unfortunately, Darkness noticed that the rulebook had been tampered with, which is why she ended up like that. But if you don’t want to play a game, then I’ll have to get serious…”

They did something stupid while I was unconscious; seems they teamed up to take on Darkness. Aqua took the last match while I was out.

“Did you forget that it was me who took on Darkness? I’m an Archpriest who can handle close combat very well, what is a scrawny little Archwizard going to do to me?”

“Is that a challenge? Fine! I was called Brawler Megumin in the Crimson Magic Academy, I’ll show you my strength!”

While I am interested in seeing them fight, there’s no time to waste. I stuck out my hand.


I quickly took the final match from Aqua and lit it.



Part 8


“Kazuma Satou… welcome to the Great Beyond. I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve passed on. It was a short life, but it’s over—”

“Yes, yes, my life is over, right? I get it. This is my last chance, don’t waste my time and just move on, useless goddess!” I took the initiative, not letting her finish.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!” She greatly opened her mouth; it all came as a shock for her.

“Just shut up, hurry and give me a cheat item! You’re sending me to another world to defeat the Demon King, right? I want the Demon Sword Laevateinn, just hand it over and I’ll be on my way!

After I lit the last match, I promised myself I wouldn’t make the same mistake a fourth time. I’ll use all my knowledge from this world to get strong and rich as fast as possible!



“You may have watched too much anime, little hikikomori NEET. Did you really think I’d just give you something after you were so rude to me? I’ll send you to that other world butt naked!”

“Hold on, goddess, don’t make me angry. If you do, you’ll regret it forever!”

“And what is a little virgin hikikomori NEET going to do to a goddess? If you apologize and say, ‘I’m sorry Lady Aqua, I’m just a little virgin otaku loser who died of shock in the most pathetic way possible.’ I may give you a cheat item.”

She’s looking down on me.

Calm Down, Kazuma Sato, I’ve known her for a long time, I should be able to endure it.

“Did you not hear me? Apologize, and do it quickly! Otherwise, I’ll give you the ability to helplessly fall in love with old men and toss you to the other world!”

I gave in, just to get going, “I-I’m sorry, Lady Aqua, I’m just a little virgin otaku loser who died of shock in the most pathetic way possible…”, I had to do it clenching my teeth.

She burst out laughing.

Whatever, I can handle it. Just remember that I won’t have to deal with her after this. At least she doesn’t think I fell in love with her, compared to that, this is tolerable.

“Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Was that so hard? Alright then, I’ll give you a cheat item, you wanted the Demon Sword Laevateinn, right?” Aqua looked excited.

“Yes, please, just give me, a poor NEET, a sacred treasure.” I’ll definitely get back to her once this is over.

“Fufufufufu, you learned your lesson? Now you know better than angering the gods!”

Seriously, why does she have the need to provoke me!?

Aqua spread her arms as a beam of light appeared from above us, for once this is new, I haven’t seen her do this before.

Finally, I’ll get a useful cheat item, my heart is racing…!

“Take it, this is the sacred treasure of your desires, the Demon Sword Laevateinn!

With a serious expression on her face, Aqua handed me a toilet brush.




After registering at the guild with a crying Aqua in tow, I headed to a certain veteran adventurer.

“Use your power here.”


“Just do it!”

“Sacred Highness Heal!” Aqua used her magic on the injured old man.

“W-Why did you do that all of a sudden—O-oh!?” He moved his legs curiously, his expression changing to disbelief after his leg moved normally.

“Sorry to interrupt you now that you’re so happy, but there’s something we need from you. We want to raise our levels, I need to get to level three, that’s all.”

“Ah, ah…Y-yes, I’ll be happy to help! I mean, you healed my wound so easily…” He said crying of happiness.

Aqua had a smug look on her face, “I am Aqua! Yes, Aqua, she who is venerated by the Church of Axis! I came here to defeat the Demon King because this NEET selected me to support him in his quest!”

I really wished she wasn’t with me, but the old man is impressed, that’ll do for now.

“Goddess Lady Aqua… is this real…? No, of course it is… do you want me to help you raise your level? I may be a bit rusty, but with my healed knee, I’ll lend you my sword!”

Finally, things went smoothly. With the old man’s help I was able to get to level 4 the day we arrived.


[Third redo, day #2]

We’re not at the usual stables…

Aqua and I were enjoying a stay in an inn, a luxury provided by the old man who insisted that raising our level wasn’t enough thanks.

Everything is going perfect, except for the fact I’m stuck with Aqua again. Is she a cursed item I can never avoid? Regardless of what I do, I always get stuck with her.

Today’s goal is to acquire blacksmithing skills and secure materials to make an oil lighter.

Fortunately, the old man gave us some extra money even though he’s already covering our living expenses.

He said it was a donation to Lady Aqua, seems he converted to the Axis church, which is great.

Well, great for us.

“What’s up with you? That fight yesterday was a mess, I’m not going to fight any more frogs!”

The old man was able to easily take down the frogs, but Aqua got too careless and was almost swallowed by one. Seems that’s also a constant, regardless of who we are with, Aqua always gets swallowed by a frog.

“We won’t be taking quests for some time; we’ll just make money. First, I’ll learn blacksmithing skills, then, we’ll stablish a business connection with a clumsy shop owner. I’ll get some materials to make lighters and we’ll live carefree from the profits.”

“I don’t know why you’re so smart, but that doesn’t sound bad. Though, I don’t know why you call some unknown store owner clumsy, aren’t you worried that person will get angry?”

If anything, I’m worried she may kill that clumsy shop owner as soon as she sees her.




Aqua shouted as soon as she entered the shop.

“Turn undead!”


“Aqua! I told you not to use magic!” I even told her right before we entered, just to be sure.

I held out my hand to the nearly transparent Wiz, “She’s about to disappear! Miss, you can use Drain Touch, right? As an apology for the inconvenience my companion caused, please drain as much as you can, just don’t die!”

“…I can see my old friends across the river…”

I hurriedly held Wiz’s right hand as she was murmuring some rather unsettling things, “Hey, can you hear me!? Use Drain Touch! Do it just enough so you won’t die!”

“Drain…Touch…” Wiz mumbled, barely conscious.

She slowly regained color, I let go before she drained too much.

“Kazuma, what do you think you’re doing!? That woman is a no-good lich, let go off her!”

“She is a lich, but she’s not a bad person! Just stay away for a bit, you hurt her just by being close!”




One hell of an introduction, Aqua almost killed Wiz on our first meeting. After she recovered, I approached her about doing business, being careful not to sound suspicious.

“This is an offer you can’t refuse… if you don’t want to be purified by Lady Aqua here, you’ll have to buy the products I bring, capiche?”

“I-I understand! I can’t replace my life, I’ll somehow earn money every month to make sure I can pay, even If I have to stop eating…”

“Hold on, it’s not protection money! I’ll give you something that will sell well, we’ll both profit!”

Damn, Aqua caused a terrible first impression, yet somehow, I was able to do worse! I guess from her perspective we’re gangsters trying to steal her money.

Normally, we would’ve met Wiz at a graveyard much later.

“P-please believe in me! It’ll definitely be a profitable business for us both!”

“Kazuma, why do you sound like someone trying to sell an investment scam?”

How did this happen?!


Part 9


“Kazuma, here are today’s profits! Thank you as always!”

“No, thank YOU Wiz! I’m getting bored from making lighters every day, I’m thinking about selling something else.”

The oil lighters sold like crazy, which is only natural because I knew there’d be demand for them.

It’s been a while since our first meeting, Wiz and I are now very close business partners. If she wasn’t so terrified by the goddess with murdering eyes behind me, the business might’ve advanced even faster.

“By the way, did you looked into what I asked? Do you think we could live there?”

“The mansion? Yes, the landlord agreed to your terms. It’s rumored that the property is haunted, are you sure you can live there…?”

Yes, I asked her to see if she could get us the mansion.

Normally, Wiz would arrange for us to get the mansion for free after Aqua exorcised most of the ghosts in there. But she’s so wary of her now that she passes out whenever I mention her healing magic.

“Most of the ghosts there aren’t so bad, there’s a ghost of a little girl that is nice. If I talk to her about my adventurers and Aqua cleanses the graveyard once in a while, everything will be fine, right?”

“What? How do you know that—? Ah, L-Lady Aqua can see the ghosts, right? Anyway, the landlord gave me the key, here you go!”

Things are going well; we got the mansion much earlier.

Beldia already left for all we know, all that’s left to do is save enough money to defeat the Destroyer.




Aqua and I headed to the mansion.

“This is amazing Kazuma! You got us a mansion just few days after we came in this world! How come you were a NEET in your previous life?”

“I wasn’t a NEET because I liked it, there was darkness in my heart…”

After we assigned our rooms, Aqua and I headed back to town to get some furniture. While we’re at it, might as well grab dinner at the guild.

“Things are going so well this time, I don’t have sore muscles from working hard every day, I didn’t have to sleep in the stables, and as long as I give you enough booze to keep problems away, we should have a bright future ahead of us.”

“I feel like that was an insult, but its fine as long as I get a drink. You get what I mean, right?”

Is she going to ask for the most expensive drink tonight too?

As long as I can keep my cursed cheat item in check, this redo will go well.




There was a strange atmosphere at the adventurer’s guild.

“Did you hear? Mitsurugi was also attacked.”, “Seriously? Mitsurugi is the strongest adventurer here.”

I don’t know who they’re talking about, seems like a strong adventurer got attacked. I’m so busy making pens I rarely come to the guild, I have no idea what’s going on.

“Kazuma, hurry and go in. I want to get a drink!” Aqua pushed me into the rather unwelcoming guild.

“How about we go somewhere else? This place seems gloomy.”

“Huh? Well, whatever, as long as I get a drink. You know, there’s a bar I’m curious about, it’s on an odd back alley.”

“That place is a rip off. If you go, you’ll get into a fight with the staff. I know of a better place, let’s go.”

I know what bar Aqua meant; I must keep her away from there at all costs.



“There’s an extremely beautiful and powerful Archpriest somewhere in the city! Find her!”, “Where are you, beautiful and talented Archpriest! I’ve been to all churches in town, but I can’t find anyone who matches the description!”

Some hurried voices could be heard outside the bar. After I heard the words ‘beautiful’, ‘talented’ and ‘Archpriest’ I turned to see the woman drunkenly talking in the chair next to me.

There seems to be some kind of commotion at the guild, I wonder if those two are ok.

For a moment I thought about getting Aqua to help, but whatever is going on happened during the time we would be working part-time, it’s better to just sit back and watch, no need to do anything unnecessary.

I’ll try to go to the guild once in a while to see how things are going.

“—hey, are you listening to me? I’m the goddess of water, if you don’t take me seriously, I’ll purify your drink!”

While watching Aqua turn my drink into water, I decided to go back to the mansion and sleep.


A few weeks later.

I was eavesdropping some conversations at the guild. I decided to check on here from time to time. The other day, I heard some strong demon that appeared around town was defeated.

That must’ve been from the time Megumin was carried away on a stretcher.

I figured she must’ve been flooded with requests to join other parties, but I’ve seen her come every day, check the bulletin board and sigh, then she stands there, for hours.

I think, she’s trying to seem like a big deal, but she was shoed away by the guilt staff for being a nuisance. I haven’t seen her speaking with anyone in days.

I’ve seen Darkness occasionally too, she grabs a paper from the request board and heads to the receptionist, but she’s always turned away after they tell her it’d be reckless to take dangerous quests on her own. Then she sits at a table nearby and just stays there.


I pretend I haven’t seen anything and returned to the mansion.




Back home, I was greeted by a drunk goddess.

“I’m back.”

“Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey!” Aqua was laying on the couch in the exact same position as before I left.

“I’ve been wondering, if this mansion is so big…?” Maybe it’s because I’m tired of being alone with Aqua, or maybe it’s because I got used to living the four of us together, but this place feels so empty.

Last two times I couldn’t even get to this place; it feels like we’ve been living apart for months.

With only Aqua and I, the rotation of housework duties is rather tough too.

“Hey, Kazuma, it’s nice to relax at home, but why don’t we go out for a drink once in a while? I don’t feel too comfortable here, with just the three of us this place feels desolate.”

“I guess that wouldn’t be a bad idea—wait, three of us? Who is the other one? You mean the ghost girl?”

“Of course, right now she’s doing jumping jacks on your shoulders.”

Please tell her to stop that.

I don’t have much to talk about with Aqua anymore, it’s really boring just the two. When it was the four of us, we would poke fun at each other all the time, things would often go crazy…

I lit those matches because I wanted to see another future. What if I got a useful cheat? What if my party members were different?

Oh well, everything will go back to normal soon enough.


[Third redo, nearly over]

The match should be going out any moment now.

I went to the adventurer guild early in the morning with a sleepy Aqua in tow.

Quickly looking around I found the two people I was looking for.

“Hey, it’s been a while since we came here! I like drinking at home, but it’s more fun to drink in a place with lots of people!”

“We didn’t come here to drink. Causing a good first impression is important, just be quiet for a moment, okay?”

“Yes, yes, you don’t need to repeat yourself, trust me once in a while.” Immediately after saying that she started looking at the drinks section in the menu.

She really doesn’t listen to me, no matter how hard I try.

I spotted Darkness checking the request board. After seemingly not finding one she wanted she headed towards a table, looking very disappointed.

She’s true to her desires, no matter what. Well, I’ve seen her do that so many times that I’m not sure if she’s disappointed or sad, she always covers her face after sitting down.

I don’t think Megumin’s eating well, she’s gotten really thin. Looking at her eyes, she seems like she lost all hope. I spotted her gazing at the request board, then staggering to a table and laying on the side of her head, not moving.

If I don’t do something, she might die…

I headed to the counter and got a piece of paper from the receptionist, the kind used when recruiting party members.

“Kazuma, Kazuma, what are you going to do with that? Don’t you hate people?”

“The mansion is spacious, isn’t it? Too spacious, it’d say, don’t you think it’d be better if there were a couple more people?” I told Aqua after pasting the request.

A different future…

Seeing them now, I don’t want one.

The two noticed me pasting the recruitment paper and quickly went to read it. Their eyes widened in surprise.

[Urgent recruitment!

We are looking for an Archwizard that can use explosion magic and a sturdy Crusader. As long as the conditions are met, no other skills required.

We are a party of a novice adventurer and a drunk Archpriest. If you have the will to defeat the Demon King, please come with us!]

Not long after, I heard some familiar voices behind me.


Part 10


“—and then we ended up living together with you guys as usual. Aqua got us a lot of debt shortly afterwards, and Megumin had a bone to pick with a lot of people, but that’s not something I want to get into details for now.” Tied up, I told them of my exploits during the redos.

Yes, for some reason, after I regained consciousness, I was wrapped with rope.

“You’re so impatient Kazuma! Had you been nice to me you could’ve gotten a good sacred treasure and do anything you ever imagined!”

“If you think telling us a feel-good story will earn your forgiveness, you’re wrong! Also, why do I almost starve to death in every retelling!?”

“And why was I almost always an afterthought? Don’t claim you don’t care about me! I know you have a burning desire; you always stare at me with lustful eyes!”

The three were yelling.

However, this feels rather nostalgic. For me, it’s been a long time since the four of us were together like this.

Just for today, I’m rather happy to hear their drivel.

“Hey, Megumin, what’s wrong with him? He has a weird smile despite being tied up, is Darkness weirdness transferring to him?”

I’d rather not be compared to that perverted masochist, but just for now, I’ll let it slide.

“That’s disrespectful to Darkness. Even when she gets excited, she doesn’t look as creepy and gross as him!”

Okay, maybe going a little too far there…

“Wait, you guys think I look like him!? Ugh, disgusting!”

“Shut up! You all are so annoying! Give me another match, I’ll do it again, and this time I’ll form a party with a cute girl that won’t cause me troubles and live a happy adventure!”

They were saying whatever they wanted!

“You get angry after selfishly using all the matches? What about my alternate future, I want a match!”

“Darkness, just throw him in the garbage, the three of us will live peacefully together. Fortunately, we don’t have debt, nor low levels. We’ll go for adventures occasionally…”

“Yes, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all Megumin. Tighten the ropes, there’s no way he’ll just let himself be thrown away, we’ll have to be careful not to let him use Steal.”

I jumped like a shrimp to try to appeal to my ruthless friends, “You think I’m bad? You guys are worse! Each of you is way worse than me!”

“Do you really think is a good idea to provoke us further…?”

“Apologize! And mean it! If you apologize properly, at least I, will forgive you.”

Hold on, are they for real? I have to stop them!

“H-hey Aqua, I need to ask you something, the other day I got a bill from the brewery, what did you do?”

“I went on a tour. They give you little samples from all the drinks, I thought it’d be a good idea to drink for free. But seems I’m too divine and accidentally purified all the alcohol in the brewery… I mean, it’s not like I can help it, so could you please go and apologize for me?”

That’s one out of three.

“Megumin, I also received a bill from the adventurer’s guild, what did YOU do?”

“Remember about the duxions I slayed near the lake the other day? Well apparently, the shockwave from the explosion caused a tidal wave that destroyed a bridge… b-but if that bridge was so weak to be washed away so easily an accident would’ve happened sooner or later! In my eyes, I did nothing wrong, but please apologize in my stead…”

Two out of three.

“Darkness, the other day an odd package with a magic tool for restraining monsters arrived by the mail, what are you going to use it for? Did you not learn your lesson with the slave collar?”

“A Crusader never gives up, not even after a few failures. A Crusader also keeps their business with magical tools private.”

“Don’t say that! That’s three for three, you’re out!”

Megumin and Darkness politely set me down right as we were by the door. While they avoided eye contact, the silent Vanir suddenly opened his mouth.

“It may not be as good as the slave collar, but I possess a magical binding tool. It’s called a bond contract, any adventurer party that signs it will be cursed to never disband—”

“We don’t need that! Megumin stop, don’t touch that! I won’t pay for something so disturbing!”

Megumin happily received the contract as Darkness casually put the money down.

They’re nuts if they think I’m signing that!

“A goddess like me can’t be cursed, we won’t be able to use it. However, I know of a way to deepen our bond.” Aqua said while releasing the ropes.

I think I know where this is going.

“You know, some high-grade shrimp arrived at my father’s house recently, how about I bring some to the mansion?”

“Then I’ll go with Kazuma to the river to finish our daily routine. Shrimp alone won’t cut it; I’ll use my explosion magic to catch lots of fish!”

Megumin and Darkness also figured it out.

“Yes, let’s celebrate our little virgin otaku hikikomori tsundere NEET, who no matter what, always chooses us. Let’s have a good time drinking, forget about money for now, we’ll start working hard again tomorrow!”

I can’t forget about the money, but I am in the mood for drinking.

It’s a normal day for them, but for me, this is like reuniting with dear friends after a long time.

After being released, I stood up and gestured I gave in.

No matter how many times I went back or what I tried to change, one constant remained, we always ended up together, like some kind of cosmic punchline.

And you know what? I like it this way. Seeing my precious friends so happy together is a sacred treasure I wouldn’t change.

Not for anything in the world.

Aqua happily raised her fist excitedly, “Let’s go and have fun!”

[1] As part of this chapter retreats Volume 1. The translation by Yen Press was used whenever dialogue/situations are the same.

[2] Here’s another joke that can’t be translated. Kazuma asks Aqua to catch saury, a fish typical in east Asia that is known as sanma in Japanese, which means autumn knife fish when written in kanji because the fish kind of look like knives. Aqua makes a pun related to that.

[3] This is not me using ancient internet memes, there’s a Skyrim reference on the original text.



  1. Wholesome party, Thanks for the translation. I hope the author should continue this series.


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